How to pick the best tech stack for your digital product

You should know the main tools developers use for apps while developing a digital product. When the development process comes, there will be a moment to determine which technology stack is going to power your digital product idea. It’s the mix of technologies used to create a project. Many software solutions were already used in similar cases. It’s worthwhile to invest time in this since efficiency is dependent on selecting the proper technological stack.

Tech stack – what makes it up?

The set of technologies used by software development teams to manage an application is referred to as a technology stack. It means that a digital product consists of key technologies used. This kind of right or wrong decision affects the program’s performance (so also the user experience), which can be a deciding factor in whether the application succeeds on the market.

We can distinguish two sides of technological solutions with client-side and server-side.

Client-side tech stacks (front-end)

The frontend tech stack represents the client-side of the app. Users may observe and interact with this application directly. As a result, when it comes to delivering your finished product to the buyer, the most important consideration is a great user experience.

Server-side tech stacks (back-end)

The server-side of software development is known as the backend tech stack. It manages the majority of the application logic, security, procedures, and other rules behind the scenes. The work is done entirely on the server-side, and users should only interact with the backend via the UI layer (client-side).

The importance of tech stack decision for your product

Because each technological stack has advantages and downsides, it’s critical to choose the best tools for your project. Your technology stack selection should be guided by the quality and functionality requirements you desire in your application or website. It defines what kind of digital product you can create and influences your choice of developer experts.

Popular technology stack solutions

There are a variety of tech stacks available, some of which create entire ecosystems to assist programmers in the development process. Some elements of a larger system are often combined, to the point that the specific combination is referred to by a single word that encompasses the entire system.

MEAN stack

The MEAN stack is the JavaScript stack for the development of dynamic web pages and online applications. It’s free and open-source. It’s also a full-stack architecture. MEAN apps may be built directly for both front-end as well as back-end environments.

The MEAN stack is made up of higher-level components: MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js.

MERN stack

There is also a MEAN version called a MERN stack, which substitutes Angular with a React/Redux frontend. The React integration and the ability to use codes on both browsers and servers at the same time are the two primary benefits of using MERN.

MERN stands for: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.

LAMP stack

The LAMP stack is a PHP industry standard and one of the most widely used solutions for many of the internet’s most popular applications. Developers like it because of its scalability, security, and customization options. All of these stack layers are and free.

Each of the building components is represented by a letter in the acronym: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.

5 things to consider before picking the best tech stack

Before beginning the technology selection process, it‘s critical to properly evaluate the project and consider the project type, needs, skills, and team resources. The elements to consider while choosing a technological stack are given below.

No. 1: Budget

The tech stack you may use is usually determined by your budget. In general, more sophisticated and complicated technology is more expensive. Other costs, such as server architecture, tool licensing, frameworks (paid or open-source), the cost of expanding the app infrastructure, and so on, should also be considered for the development budget. A good idea could be to seek out a consultancy with a pricing valuation.

No. 2: Entry time for market

The speed with which you intend to launch a digital product will affect your tech stack selection. Due to time constraints, the team may be forced to come up with some innovative ways to speed up the process. Scalability is also important for future development; therefore, the scalability of your application determines if it can handle the demand.

No. 3: Project complexity

The scope of your project is crucial to examine. Some technologies may be more suited to specific applications than others. A medium-sized or even large project will require a different tech stack than a small project. It’s also important to consider the scope of your project, as larger ones may necessitate the use of various technologies for very distinct components.

No. 4: Trends

Technology evolves, and making a long-term commitment to one that is being phased out might be a bad idea. When choosing a stack for your project, think forward and see if the technology you’re contemplating is a well-established trend as well as what will be its future.

No. 5: MVP requirements

MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) are frequently used to test that product’s competitiveness and utility in a real-world market setting. The analytics tools provide you with useful information. You can choose a tech stack that supports rapid development if you need to create an MVP fastly. From the start, it’s vital to figure out what’s important for a digital product.

Do you need professional guidance?

These are the most important factors to consider while selecting a tech stack for your digital product. Observing how other software companies handle this might also help you understand the recent technological trends. When in doubt, get the help of tech experts to help you choose the best technology solutions. It is a unique risk, and if you are not an expert in this area, it’s worth taking the advice of a professional IT consulting agency.