12 problems in B2B marketing that are solved by marketing automation

Potential customers are more and more aware of advertising gimmicks and are reluctant to push-up, up mismatched ads. In turn, Social Media is dependent on constantly changing algorithms, and newsletters most often end up in spam or users automatically delete them – even when they offer attractive promotions.

So what to do to encourage B2B customers to interact? What marketing automation activities are worth our effort and money?

Below, we present common problems and propose effective B2B marketing ideas offered by the online casino au.

1. We do not know at what stage of the sales funnel the customer is

A sale is only successful when it reaches a person who is ready to make a decision. However, this readiness does not always mean an immediate purchase – it is often associated with discussions with the supervisor, the need to know the price list or must be preceded by education about our product. Knowing what stage the client is at will help us determine what actions we need to take to bring him closer to the full finalization of the transaction. Marketing automation platforms allow us to assess the customer’s readiness to get to know the offer.

2. We know too little about B2B customers and their needs

Through B2B marketing automation, we can determine the demographic and behavioral data of users. In this way, we learn not only about their behavior but also identify the needs with which they came to us. What else will a manager of a large company look for, and what else a small entrepreneur will be interested in? Knowing who they are and what they are looking for will help us present an offer tailored individually to each of them.

3. Our message is not suited to the recipient

Our company website is visited by people from different places, of different ages, gender, or at different decision-making levels. Offering them the same, same language of benefits is wrong and makes advertising ineffective. Assigning tags to a specific behavior on the website allows you to segment the recipient base and target the ad appropriately.

4. The customer is not yet ready for our offer

Automation of B2B marketing allows you to prepare the customer for purchase through education, i.e. lead nurturing. Those users who are interested in the product but still have concerns – often due to ignorance – can easily be driven to purchase thanks to educational information, mailing, or free webinars. It is a non-invasive method of presenting the offer and it gives you a feeling of making your own purchase decision.

5. The customer receives the offer too early

Visiting our website several times does not mean that the customer is engaged (as well, the competition may check what we offer). Therefore, to avoid mistakes and not to attack the client beforehand, it is worth conducting contact scoring – i.e. a point system for leads, based on which we assign them to the appropriate category. Points can be awarded for downloading a price list, subscribing to a newsletter, contacting customer service, etc. The more points, the more engaged the customer.

6. We have an e-mail database with which we have not been in contact for a long time

Sending newsletters too often is not welcome, but too rare is also a mistake. Customers are often enrolled in many lists and it is easy to forget who we are and why they are following us at all. And this is a simple way to lose a contractor who was interested enough to give us his e-mail address.

7. Ignoring data from the mailing

A well-run newsletter allows you to collect new information about our recipients – we can research how many people open it, what they click on, and what content is attractive to them. On this basis, our database can be divided into smaller, even more, unified segments. And this allows you to send personalized messages.

8. We have a worthless mailing database

Users sign up for newsletters much more willingly than read them regularly. Some of them do not even open the first one, others give up reading when they do not find interesting content in them. Hardly anyone decides to unsubscribe from such mailing on their own.

Without regular checking of the mailing database, a huge list of contacts is created, of which only a small percentage is interested in our activities. A regularly cleaned list of such leads will give us a much smaller number of users, but only the really valuable ones.

9. We do not conduct tests

Problems in B2B marketing often result from sticking to one specific method of communication. While with little effort, we can test different content on selected user groups, divided into appropriate segments. Testing will allow us to find out which graphics are the most effective, which e-mail titles attract the most attention, and even what hours of communication are optimal.

10. We do not reach the client when we need it

Potential B2B customers are everywhere, but we won’t reach them by using only one or two communication channels. It may be enough daily, but once in a while, there is a really big promotional campaign in which we want to involve every possible user.

Marketing automation allows you to conduct multi-channel communication through SMS contact, push notifications, e-mails, or social media with the appropriate adaptation of communication to the medium.

11. We translate the conversion over CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)

Emotional attachment to the brand is extremely important. Often, it is it that allows averting crises, even those related to the launch of a worse product. However, it is a long-term job related to education, presenting a more human side of the company, and creating a coherent narrative. Marketing automation, by regularly examining the emotional ties of contractors with the company, allows responding to changes on an ongoing basis and strengthens trust in the brand.

12. No ties with the brand

Through B2B marketing automation, we can determine the demographic and behavioral data of users. In this way, we learn not only about their behavior but also identify the needs with which they came to us. What else will a manager of a large company look for, and what else a small entrepreneur will be interested in? Knowing who they are and what they are looking for will help us present an offer tailored individually to each of them.